David Meltzer is a business coach, sports & technology executive, and founder of the global sports and entertainment agency, Sports 1 Marketing. He is a three-time international bestselling author, the executive producer of Entrepreneur’s #1 digital business show, Elevator Pitch, and a Top 100 Business coach. He is also the former CEO of Leigh Steinberg Sports and Entertainment, the firm that inspired the movie, Jerry Maguire. But beyond his roles as founder and executive, David’s mission is to serve humanity by empowering one billion people to be happy. This is a mission he realizes by creating platforms to help educate and mentor people from all walks of life – from C-Suite executives to college students. To this end, David has created David Meltzer Enterprises, through which he also facilitates free weekly training sessions, as well as The Playbook Podcast, where he shares his insights on achieving success in life and business.
David joins me today to discuss the role gratitude plays in creating lasting abundance and happiness in our lives. He reveals the underlying lessons of gratitude and the factors that fuel consistency. He explains what inspired his maxim, “make a lot of money, help a lot of people, and have a lot of fun!” and describes what it was like to live a life of scarcity early on in his career. He also discusses how focusing on lack hinders us from getting what we want in life, emphasizes how asking for what we want can help direct us toward success, and underscores our connection with infinite abundance.
“To enjoy the consistent and persistent pursuit of your potential, you have to change your perspective through gratitude. Define the light, the love, and the lesson that you have.” – David Meltzer
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The Model FA podcast is a show for fiduciary financial advisors. In each episode, our host David DeCelle sits down with industry experts, strategic thinkers, and advisors to explore what it takes to build a successful practice — and have an abundant life in the process. We believe in continuous learning, tactical advice, and strategies that work — no “gotchas” or BS. Join us to hear stories from successful financial advisors, get actionable ideas from experts, and re-discover your drive to build the practice of your dreams.
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David DeCelle 0:40
Welcome Model FAs, I am extremely excited about this guest that we have today, David Meltzer. So I'm going to give his bio, but I'm also going to share my own personal bio, so you can get some insight as to when we got connected, the impact that he's had on my life, and I know he will have an impact on yours. So make sure that if you're driving, you're paying attention to both the road and the episode. And if you're not driving, take some notes, because this is definitely gonna be a jam packed episode filled with value. So without further ado, David Meltzer is the co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing, and formerly served as CEO of the renowned Leigh Steinberg Sports & Entertainment agency, which was the inspiration for the movie, Jerry Maguire. His life's mission now is to empower over 1 Billion (with a B) people to be happy. That's probably the biggest thing that I've gotten from Dave. So this simple, yet powerful mission has led him on an incredible journey to provide one thing, and that's value in all of his content and communication. That's exactly what you'll receive. As part of that mission, for the past 20 years, he's actually been providing some free weekly trainings, to empower others to empower others to be happy, and the link will be in the show notes. But if you want to go and take a look, if you're at your computer, now, it's simply DMeltzer.com/training. But again, that will be in the show notes. So Dave, welcome to the show. And for those of you who haven't come across Dave, so Dave has had a big impact on my life. So a few years back, when I was first starting my business, I was doing so in the midst of a divorce. I was probably the most unhappy that I had been in my entire life during that period of time. So I paid to—or I should back up a little bit, I came across some of Dave's content and really liked it; paid for him to coach me for a few sessions. And he really taught me the power of gratitude and happiness, which are some of the two main things that you speak a lot about. So just to start off, I want to say thank you for your time, thank you for the impact. Thank you for what you're doing for others out there, and I am super grateful to have you on the show.
David Meltzer 2:57
That's so awesome. And the blessings that I have the ability to plant seeds, even under trees that I'll never sit under, as Denis Waitley taught me, and carry on that legacy of the most important thing, which is perspective and sharing that perspective of happiness; which becomes extremely viral, because all you got to do is witness happiness, and it makes you happy and happiness strengthens us mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially, as you have figured out over the last couple of years.
David DeCelle 3:24
Awesome. Appreciate that. So for those of you who want to learn more about Dave's backstory, feel free to connect with him on the various social platform. Just simply type in David Meltzer on Google, and I'm sure the majority of those will pop up; but we're gonna get right to the questions because this is gonna be a quick episode jam packed with value. So Dave, I guess the first question I have for you is, those of us who are looking for true happiness, what's some advice that you have for them in order to go on that journey.
David Meltzer 3:55
Well first define happiness for yourself. It's such an obtuse, obscure concept to be happy. So for me, my definition was crucial; which was okay, in order to be happy, I'm going to have to enjoy the consistent everyday, persistent without quit, pursuit of my potential. And there's a lot to unpack in there. Because, number one, to enjoy the consistent persistent pursuit of your potential, you have to change your perspective through gratitude, to find the light, the love, and the lessons that you have. You have to change your relationship with pain; instead of pain being a stop sign or resistance, it now becomes an indicator or a turn signal that if you learn a lesson, you'll end up somewhere better. So for me, understanding that definition of enjoying the consistent persistent pursuit, and then of course, to unpack consistency is crucial. So you have to have daily practices in order to be consistent. Persistency is evolved under desire that you must be what you can be. Pursuing your potential is critical because I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is they don't know the mathematical equation of luck. What you pay attention to plus what you give intention to equals the coincidences in your life. People start calling you lucky when all these great coincidences started happening that are aligned with what you want. Well, that's from pursuing your potential, not what's missing in your life, not what you don't want in your life, not what other people want for you in your life. Which is when I met you, you were listening to all of those different things. You were focusing in on what you don't want, what was missing, and what other people wanted for you, instead of pursuing your own potential. So number one thing is to define that and then utilize that definition in order to effectuate that happiness according to you.
David DeCelle 5:42
I love that. I think that's one of the things that I struggled with, at the very beginning, which was defining happiness as far as what other people thought would make me happy. And, you know, even things like family and friends and whatnot, who didn't run a business; they were employees, which is a totally great path to go down. But they were giving me advice, and one of the things that you've shared with me before; which is if someone hasn't accomplished what you're looking to accomplish, they may have the greatest intentions to try and help you but their advice may not be overly relevant to your particular situation. And that really stuck with me.
David Meltzer 6:20
That's one of my favorite. Just because someone loves you or cares about you, doesn't mean they give you good advice.
David DeCelle 6:25
Yep.One thing that you say all the time—I don't know if you consider it your mission or what you call it, but I've kind of just borrowed and stolen this for myself, because I absolutely love it—which is make a lot of money, help a lot of people, and have a lot of fun. Like I just frickin’ love that. So tell me more about how that came about, and how do you live your life in accordance with that?
David Meltzer 6:48
So that's my mission statement, which has evolved. When I started Sports 1 Marketing, the marketing and media company, with Hall of Fame quarterback, Warren Moon, I was still stuck more into the overselling, back-end selling, lying, manipulating, and cheating mode of my life. The scarcity mode of “for me,” buying things I don't need to impress people I don't like. So in that BS role or energy, I came up with this long winded mission statement about leveraging relationship capital and blah, blah, blah. And I sat down with my business partner, whose nickname since he was a child was QB 1 Kenobi because he's so wise and keeps things so clear. And so he read the statement when we were starting this business together. And he said, Dave, what does this paragraph mean? It sounds like a whole bunch of mumbo jumbo, Dave Meltzer BS. And I said, oh, well, that basically says we're gonna make a lot of money, create abundance. He goes, okay, so it was this paragraph mean, same thing, right? I said, oh, that means I want to help a lot of people. Oh, okay. And then last was like, utilizing the biggest names and events in sports, from the Super Bowl bowl to the Pro Bowl to the Masters, Kentucky Derby, Breeders Cup, Espys, Emmys, Oscars, Grammys, what does that mean? I said, we're gonna have fun. And he said, okay, I think you got it. And so I came up with, hey, make a lot of money to help a lot of people and have a lot of fun. And it kept growing and growing to the fact that I knew that when I fully understood something, that I could not only simplify it, but simplify it to the point where people hear it. Remember, it's not what I say, it's what people hear. And when you can simplify something as close to the truth as you can, it's gonna resonate with as many people. And I will tell you, the most common thing people have shared of mine, and you don't have to say stolen because it came through me, not for me. So you share it with me, is that statement that resonates with the most amount of people. That and another simple statement to say thank you before you go to bed and when you wake up, those two things are the most used and shared things that I share to as many people as I can.
David DeCelle 8:59
So it's funny that you ended it with the thank you when you wake up and when you go to bed, because that was gonna be my next question. So you have a challenge that you put out to folks in relation to the phrase, thank you. Tell us more about that.
David Meltzer 9:13
Well I think so many of the great thought leaders have gratitude challenges. So for me, I wanted to inspire people and offer my book for free, to sign it, send it, pay for shipping. And I knew the most impactful way to change your life would be to say thank you before you go to bed and thank you when you wake up. If you could do that for thirty straight days, it changes your life, guaranteed. And so I wanted to inspire people to try that. Number one, not just because gratitude is so powerful, but there's an underlying lesson that occurs. And the lesson is this: if you believe me, which so many meta thought leaders in the world, I've studied physics, quantum physics, and metaphysics—all of it agrees that gratitude is powerful. But if you agree with me, by tonight half of you won't say thank you, by tomorrow morning another half, within three days almost all of us won't say thank you. So underlying the power of gratitude, which other people have shared, and other people have tried with challenges; to me, it's also the lesson of consistency. Why is it we are all in our way so much that we can't take point one seconds to do something that has been proven over centuries and centuries to be the most powerful, free tool to success, happiness, abundance, passion, and purpose; why can't we do it? So that's also an underlining lesson of the gratitude challenge that I have. Now, I will tell you, the gratitude challenge has been so successful that I don't even have to give my book for free to people who do the gratitude challenge. So if anybody wants my book, because of the success of the gratitude challenge, I can afford to give my book, pay for shipping, sign it, send it to anybody that wants. In the show notes is [email protected], all my exercises, guides and books are now free, because of gratitude.
David DeCelle 11:00
Love it. So I've always wanted to journal, and then I would start off and do it for a couple days, and I would “forget” (I got finger quotes up here, for those of you listening to the audio). And then I started doing a five minute journal; I just, literally on Amazon, it's called Five Minute Journal, it has certain prompts and whatnot. And what I do to remember it is when I make my bed in the morning, because you have to do it in the morning and in the evening, so when I make my bed in the morning, I lay it on my pillow so that it serves as a trigger for me. When I go into bed, I see it, so I do it. I remember to do it, because it's such an easy thing to forget. And then when I'm done doing it in the evening, I then go and prop it up on my bedroom door so that when I wake up in the morning, I open the door, and it's right there on the floor so I don't forget. So for those of you who want to do that challenge and truly change your life, set an alarm; whatever quirky things that you need to do to remember it, do that stuff. And that actually kind of leads me to another question. So I'm not like this now, so much so that I have a couple plants at my house that I'll literally in the morning and throughout the day, in between meetings, I'll say nice things to. And I forget the author off the top of my head, and you may know, but there was a study done and there was a book called Hidden Messages in Water. And The Hidden Messages in Water basically says that if you have two glasses of water next to each other, and you say and think nice things to one, and you say and think nice things to the other; when you freeze that and you look at them under a microscope, the ones that you said nice things to, they're perfect beautiful crystals, and the other ones are totally deformed. So to the extent where I'll say nice things to the plant, and it's funny, I'll notice it growing more so than before. Whereas, in my prior life, so to speak, is how I refer to it, I couldn't keep things like that alive because I was just living in a negative mindset. So my question to you is, I don't think like this anymore, but I used to and I know a lot of people do. What do you say to the folks who think some of these things that you're sharing, say thank you, talking to a frickin plant, is a little bit too fluffy? And they're like, no, just give me the thing to do to help me grow my business. And you're like, whoa, like whoosah. No, do this stuff first. So how do you get those non-believers to believe?
David Meltzer 13:21
Well first, I was a non believer. So sharing my story about non-belief, I think assists me having credibility of sharing that woo-woo. I will tell you, because this is a point of contention for me. When I wrote my book, I had tremendous success, best selling book, domestically, internationally, top bestseller, Connected to Goodness. The only bad review I got was on Goodreads. And I want people to look it up, because this woman ranks on my entire book, [15:39] says this is the most ridiculous book ever. He says that you can talk to water and change it, right? Now meanwhile, I'm going to give a gift to everybody right now. When I take a sip of water, I'm 80% water more. I put my intention into this water so it becomes in my system. So if I want all my relationships to be peaceful, that's my intent. I shut my eyes and I drink my water. And now that intention is carried in the biggest conductor of energy, which is water, right? it conducts electricity better than anything. You do not want to be in a swimming pool in a lightning storm, trust me. So understanding that I have number one credibility because I was the most resistant person to this woo-woo BS than anyone. So I can tell that story of how I was resistant, and how my ignorance of what was going on. And I have several different stories that I could tell to teach these lessons; allow someone to open their mind. One of the key lessons that I've learned through what you're speaking about is how important it is to talk to people and to attract people with open minds. One mathematical equation that I use in sales more than anyone is all I'm looking for are people with open minds. I used to do so much research to align the capabilities, the skills, all these things in an industry to find that low hanging fruit, millions of dollars of time energy. And then I realized, you know what? It takes 1000 more times the energy, time, money, and emotion to convince or to reengineer someone's closed mind, as it does an open mind. So why aren't I searching and seeking and attracting open minds in order to effectuate two things: how I can provide service or value, which becomes easily more receptive to an open mind; and then also, how can they help me? An open mind is going to exponentially want to help you more. They're going to know somebody to help you if they don't and can't help you. And so I shifted because of this exact paradigm. Because of this conflictual nature. I've reconciled it by seeking and searching people with open minds. So if somebody does have that closed mind, I utilize my three no rule, I give it a shot. But I don't try to waste my time trying to reengineer a closed mind, when I know I can reengineer 1000 open minds and utilize and have a greater impact. So I think you got to know, give it a try, but know that certain people, you're planting seeds, they're just not ready for the tree to grow.
David DeCelle 16:24
Yeah, I like that.
Unknown Speaker 16:26
Hey Model FAs, I know you're enjoying this conversation. But I wanted to take a quick break to talk to you about the Model FA Accelerator. This is a unique collaboration between US and EU, where we help you build a financial advising practice that you can be proud of. We focus on the foundational concepts around how to pick a niche or a specialization; how to price your services; how to construct an offer that people are going to buy; and then how to market it and sell it in a way that will get people to sign on the dotted line and become clients of your firm; all while giving you the information to scale and set up workflows and operational processes that will allow you to reclaim your time and build a practice that doesn't run you. So if you'd like to hear more about that, go to www.ModelFA.com/accelerator or www.ModelFA.com. Hover over Work With Us and click on Accelerator. Hope to see in the program.
David DeCelle 17:15
There’s a book series that I've read from Anthony Williams. And he's like a “Medical Medium” so he basically gets his information from a spirit. And I'm not overly religious right now in terms of going to church on a regular basis or anything like that, but I opened or I went into those books with an open mind. And one of his things is drinking celery juice every single morning and having only fruit before noon. And ever since I've been doing that, like I don't drink coffee, except for a treat on the weekends, I have the utmost energy, skin complexion is much better than it was before. And it's just all because of having an open mind as opposed to being like, oh, this guy's full of crap. Like, not even gonna bother. So I liked that a lot. One of my fears that I had for the majority of my life, just given my background, was being poor. You speak a lot about whatever you resist persists. And during the beginning portion of my career, I felt like I was always like robbing Peter to pay Paul, for probably the first seven or so years out of college. Now one of my daily affirmations is “I am experiencing unlimited wealth,” and it's been a massive paradigm shift. Can you expand a little bit more on the resistance piece that you talk about?
David Meltzer 18:25
Yeah, so there's three worlds. The first is world that I was born into; that world of being poor, a world of not enough where I was a victim, things happen to you when you're in that scarce world. You become a victim, you're a “why me” person. Why don't I have this? Why do they have a dad? Why do they have a car? And when you're focusing in on what's missing as a victim, you're just going to get more of what's missing and it’s going to create a greater resistance to you getting what you actually want. Then you can move from the world of not enough to a world of just enough. So I was a multimillionaire, but I was still living in a scarce world. I was living in a world that I had to buy things to be happy, buy more things to be happy, buy different things to be happy, buy things to impress people to be happy, buy things to impress people I didn't even like to be happy. But because I was attaching my emotions to an outcome, because I was using man made constructs of the value of money. Because I was using man made contracts of how time would work in my life, because I needed this much money by this much time. Those are all man made constructs. That also limited me and created resistance, even to some things that I never would have imagined were limiting, because you can be an optimist, and live in the world of just enough. You can give to receive and be in the world of just enough; meaning it's a trade or a negotiation. There's actually, it's a scarce world when you're like, I give so I can receive. The more I give, the more I’ll receive. That's a trade. That once again is putting things into the terms of the manmade construct, creating resistance and limitations, even to the point where one of my mentors, a wonderful woman named Dyan Cannon whose in her late 80s now. Gorgeous woman I shared my Laker seats with. I told her that I was going to live to 111. I was born on January 11, die on January 11, at 1:11, when I'm 111 years old; I thought that's pretty optimistic. She got teary eyed and said, oh my gosh, why are you limiting yourself? I was like, what are you talking about? I'm gonna live to 111, didn’t you hear me? She said, well, what if medical advancements make the average age 1000 years old by the time you're 100? Don't you think that's a possibility? I'm like, I never did, but yeah, absolutely that's a possibility. She said, see? How disappointed are you going to be when everyone's living to 1000, and you're dying at 111. You've limited yourself because of your perspective. So I moved from that limiting world of just enough, just enough to live to 111, just enough to have $100 million. All these things seem like a lot is an optimist, but they're actually limiting because you're implying man made constructs or energies of limit, instead of living between limitlessness and infinity. In a world of more than enough of everything for everyone. Where not only do you utilize the currency of money, a man made construct, but you blend it with the currency of faith, that you're exactly where you're supposed to be. You're doing everything that you can to angle to what you want, but you have faith you're gonna end up somewhere better. That you live between limitlessness and infinity, you start looking at things without resistance or limits, and you start seeing, wow, so much of my life is creating interference, voids, and shortages that don't exist. I'm so far in my own way; I need to create a new illusion, one that has infinity. Here's the problem with infinity: the human mind can't fathom it. I still think it's the problem with the internet; is that you know, I've been in the internet longer than almost everyone. I started in 1992, selling legal research on 286 XT computers with 9600 baud modems with dial-up service. So I've been on the internet a long time. Here's the problem with the internet: the human mind cannot fathom the size of the audience. And just like the human mind cannot fathom infinity of time, infinity of space, infinity of money, they can't truly fathom it. It's just, the fear of the ego creates limits, that it's like looking off a cliff or looking out into space. We don't know how far it goes; there's an infinity of space and time and money. And we try our best to pursue that infinity, try just for an instant of the second to live between limitlessness and infinity and feel what is like not to have resistance in your life.
David DeCelle 22:35
So for those of you who are listening, I know I'm going to do this, but I would probably rewind a bunch of that and re-listen to that a time or two, I think there are a lot of good nuggets in there. And I feel like you talk about this stuff a lot, Dave. And I feel like when you're prompted, you just kind of hit a state of flow to where it's like super smooth and natural. But when you're hearing that stuff for the first time, it can be tough to grasp at first. So feel free to go back and re-listen to that. In the interest of time, last question. So all I did was ask you to be on this podcast, and for that I'm grateful. But it was a result of you talking about the power of asking. And you know, there's a saying that I think you've said before, and then I've heard for a while now, which is: Well, you have not because you asked not? So can you expand a little bit on the power of asking and why that's so important?
David Meltzer 23:27
Yeah, there’s two series of questions that we need to ask. Asking is up there with thank you; both are things that we learned before we were three years old, right? Remember to say thank you, remember to ask. And what happens is asking is directly tied to worthiness. If we don't truly have faith that there's more than enough, if we think if we are getting something that it’s taking away from someone else, then we are going to have an interference or we're going to have resistance to asking. Asking actually creates the flow, not just between you and everyone in everything you're asking for and with, but also, it's a faith that you're connected to something far greater that you're asking from and connecting with. And so for me, asking is the key component. So I've learned two series of questions. One, the series of questions of how I can be of service or value. In other words, allowing things to come through me for others. But there's another component which is even harder and more difficult for most people to grasp and to utilize in their life, and that's to ask for what we want. And in order to ask for what we want, we need to know our what, not our why. We need to know our what, our who, our how, our now, and our why. And most people don't take inventory of their value every day to say, what do I want personally, experientially, giving and receiving wise. If you know what you want, then you can find who has it. And everybody knows the fastest way to get to where you want is to ask someone that's already there for directions. So, for me asking somebody that has the directions of how I can be of service or value and do you know anyone that can help me get there? Most people are sponsors, if not power sponsors. So don't think of everyone as resistance, as gatekeepers between you and what you want. This is why one of my great mantras or daily prayers is to have peaceful relationships so that I can feel comfortable being of service or value to everyone, as sponsors, and power sponsors of mine. Meaning a sponsor is someone that knows someone that can help you; a power sponsor is someone that can help you themselves, and knows someone that can help you. When we get into this litany of giving, of going through, you'll start realizing that you are connected to the greatest source of light, love, and lessons. You are created and connected to abundance of more than enough of everything for everyone. And what we do is if we ask for it, ask bigger and better and brighter and more than you ever imagined, you cannot ask big enough. Because look, when I wanted to live to 111, nowhere in my mind did I think that was a limiting belief, until someone who is more enlightened than I explained to me why it was a limiting belief. And now I can convince everybody that living to 111 is a pessimistic limiting belief. Because I should be saying I'm going to live as long as I can, as long as I can, as happy as healthy as I can. I want everyone to ask; ask bigger, ask more often, ask in person, on the phone, via email, traditional media, and social media. Ask for what you want; know your what, know your who, know your how, know your now and your why. And I promise you, you will rapidly and accurately totally affect the mathematical equation of luck, because you'll start paying attention to and giving intention to all the coincidences that you want in your life without limitation.
David DeCelle 26:35
I've been following you for a few years now. And there's certain themes that we've hit on today that you speak about quite often. And every time I hear it's like the first time I'm hearing it in terms of captivation, so I appreciate what you're doing. I thank you for joining the show. Before I share with you, ask you how people can find you and connect with you. Similar to Dave, if you shoot me a text saying Connected to Goodness, at 978-228-2338, we have ten of his books Connected to Goodness, and we will go ahead grab your address and get those out to you. So again, that's 978-228-2338. Dave, where can they find you?
David Meltzer 27:20
Easiest just Google David Meltzer at David Meltzer, but you can email me directly [email protected]. Free training exercises, guides, books, my TV show 2 Minute Drill, Elevator Pitch, my podcast is The Playbook; download it, like it, share it, but reach out to me. I personally answer everything and I'm happy to be of service and remember, most importantly, David and everyone else out there. Be kind to your future self and do good deeds.
David DeCelle 27:44
Love it. Thanks for joining, and for everyone listening, thanks for tuning in. See you on the next episode.