My guest today is Brittney Castro. Brittney is the founder and CEO of Financially Wise Inc., a Los Angeles-based financial planning firm. After years of working in corporate financial planning, Brittney realized she wanted to work with clients the same way she talks about money with her friends — in a fun, personal, compassionate, relatable, and nonjudgmental way. Today, Financially Wise provides a broad range of services, including fee-only financial planning, online money courses, financial wellness workshops, speaking engagements, and brand partnerships.
Brittney Castro is a Certified Financial Planner™, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC), Accredited Asset Management Specialist (AAMS), entrepreneur, and speaker. After founding Financially Wise in 2013, Brittney was recognized as the 6th INVESTOPEDIA Top Influential Financial Advisors in 2017 and one of the 22 “Women To Watch” by InvestmentNews in 2018.
But chances are, you have heard of Brittney Catsro because she has cracked the code on content marketing for financial advisors.
In this conversation, we discuss the importance of building a brand and creating original content to attract new clients. Brittney shares with you the tangible steps you can use to define how to position the unique aspects of your financial planning offering, and what you need to know to begin creating content — even if you don’t think of yourself as a content marketer.
Don’t miss one of my favorite moments, when Brittney encourages financial planners who want to be successful to “roll with the times”. Do you experience resistance to changes in the market? Are you unsure how to market your practice? Brittney offers specific steps to try and encouragement for those who are just getting started.
Looking for more ideas about content marketing for financial advisors?
Join the Model FA advisor community, where you will find expert advice on how to launch, grow, scale, and transform your firm.
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Financially Wise, Inc.
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Brittany Castro: (00:08)
People want a connection. They want to be able to relate [inaudible 00:00:10] professionals to the people they're hiring, could you work with them? I mean, even a doctor, I get email newsletters from my eye doctor. It's just part of the way the world is now. I think maybe five years ago there was a lot more stigma around it, like sharing your personal information, personal stories, but now it's like if you don't do it, it's almost weird.
Patrick Brewer: (00:41)
Brittany Castro, welcome to the Model FA podcast. How are you doing?
Brittany Castro: (00:45)
I'm good. Thanks for having me.
Patrick Brewer: (00:47)
Absolutely excited for our conversation today. I appreciate you jumping on with me.
Brittany Castro: (00:52)
Oh, my pleasure. I'm excited to be here too.
Patrick Brewer: (00:54)
Good stuff. So, you've built a pretty amazing financial planning firm over the past couple of years. I mean, your brand it's respected, it's well done, you've done a lot of custom content. You've built courses, you've got a dialed in social media strategy. I'm just curious, what was driving you to build all this? How did you know to build all this? Was it like an iterative process, where you were just kind of experimenting? Have you always had a vision for building a brand to this caliber? Walk me through what you're doing and how you got to this point.
Brittany Castro: (01:28)
Of course. So, it's interesting because... I mean, yes, I had a vision, but honestly I think when you're in business you just create. And I actually have a lot of fun creating, that's where I get my thrill. But six years ago when I started this company, I did have the vision to create a financial planning firm, specifically at that time, focused on women and become a really well known financial planner in the media for women.
Brittany Castro: (02:00)
So, not only did I want to offer financial planning services, but I wanted to replicate a Susie Orman model and launch courses and become a speaker in media, eventually write a book one of these days. So yeah, I really do thank you for appreciating it because I do feel like for the past six years, I've almost have been running two companies, like the financial planning company and then the speaking and media services.
Patrick Brewer: (02:28)
Yeah. No, it's impressive. Where do you find most of your attention goes? Do you work with clients one on one still, have you hired financial planners to handle the hand to hand combat of the client relationships? Are you doing mostly media stuff? How has your time spread out right now?
Brittany Castro: (02:42)
Right now... So this year is kind of like the tipping point year where I'm allocating more time to speaking in media. I do have a financial planner on my team who helps with all the clients. However, I still sit in a majority of the client meetings. But this year has been the year where we're trying to really remove me from all the meetings, because you get to a point where I just can't like physically be and everything.
Brittany Castro: (03:11)
So it is interesting. I think in business it takes a while. Like I feel like I've been building, building, building all these different revenue streams and services, which have always made money. But really now I'm starting to see the real fruits of my labor, which is exciting. It's a growth year, it's like a lot of challenges we're facing as we're growing as its natural part of business. But, yeah, just trying to figure out how do we continue to leverage and scale and create products and services that continue to help people. And technology is always changing and how do we stay innovative?
Patrick Brewer: (03:53)
So, when you think about the financial planning business over the next 5 to 10 years, obviously it seems like a lot of opportunity for you, are you going to be pushing your energy in one direction or the other? Or are you focused on scaling up the one on one relationships and building a bigger financial planning firm? Are you really leaning into the products and courses and leveraged, let's call it coat? How are you thinking about that, where do you feel the biggest opportunity is for today's advisor?
Brittany Castro: (04:18)
Yeah. Well, today's advisor is based on everybody's unique vision and goals. I think for me, I am focusing on growing the media and online course side. I've always had the vision to keep the practice somewhat small and manageable. I think years ago I realized I didn't want to create this massive financial planning company and have advisors under me, it just wasn't the model I was going after. And and so now moving forward over the next five years it's going to be really more on the speaking in media. That's where we're pouring a lot of our energy in.
Patrick Brewer: (04:58)
Nice. Have you had any formal media training? How did you get started? Because I know you do a lot of videos, you do speaking, you do the podcasts. How did you get started in that? How have you refined your craft? What tips do you have for everyone listening today?
Brittany Castro: (05:11)
I'm still refining. I had a formal media trainer at one point, so in 2010 I started a YouTube channel, and that was mainly... Before this company I worked at... Ameriprise was the first company I worked on at, and then I went to LPL for a few years, and when I was at LPL, I was launching this brand on this, as my brand. Financially Wise Women originally was a blog and I started the YouTube channel when I was at LPL. I started Twitter, Facebook, and I remember working with the compliance department, literally calling them every day and telling them why they should approve my tweet and why YouTube was the same thing as me teaching a live workshop.
Brittany Castro: (05:55)
I literally just bought a camera, set it up in my office, shot the videos, taught myself how to edit, got a lighting kit. I did everything and it was for me because I didn't want to write articles. When people told me about blogs and said, "You got to write a blog." I said, "Oh my God, I hate writing." But if you asked me a question, I could tell you the answer. The thought of writing, it just seemed like torture to me. So, that's why I started doing videos and I think naturally I'm just dope for it. I don't know. I've always been comfortable talking to people. [inaudible 00:06:34]. So I never had that initial fear I think a lot of people have.
Brittany Castro: (06:41)
But in terms of speaking training, I didn't. What helped me was just experience. I always taught workshops, I was always speaking, so then I just started to really learn how do you connect with people, how do you relate to them, and teach them what you have to teach them? And I did get a consulting job, when I started Financially Wise Women as my RIA, I was also doing brand consulting.
Brittany Castro: (07:09)
So the first company that I started with was called NextGen and we basically... It was really cool, this very successful entrepreneur just sold his business to IBM any and all this extra money and he just wanted to create video content to help [inaudible 00:07:27] viewers and startups and I was the host of this online show. And so I got a formal media coach at that time. She just taught me how to do more, talk directly to a camera or green screen when no one's there and you got to pretend somebody there. That was like probably my only formal training. But honestly just watching myself over the years and editing videos you kind of see like I just [inaudible 00:07:53] in myself and through experience.
Brittany Castro: (07:55)
And now what I find actually is my biggest strength in speaking is just connecting to people. It's not so much about I'm the best story teller or that I articulate the talking points in the most strategic way. I think I just really show up and connect, and when I do videos or any sort of engagement like that, I'm present. I listen and I respond. That to me has been the best because, also I have a lot of friends who I love and obviously they are very helpful in my journey, but even on my Instagram I constantly hear, "Brittany, why don't you just talk normal? You're still being very weird on camera." Like after all these years. I get feedback all the time and I think I'm open to feedback and it's just so interesting because I feel like I still don't have it right. But it's a lifelong journey.
Patrick Brewer: (08:55)
Yeah, I do a lot of video too and it's funny, I probably started doing video after you, probably about three years ago. And I remember the first video I did, it was two minutes and I had never really done video before. But I didn't think it was going to be very hard because I spoke a lot when I was at DFA and I would just naturally like to have conversations. So I get in front of the camera and it took me four hours to do a two minute video. I literally had to kick my entire team out of the... Well, we were at my house filming, I'm like, "Get out of here. I need space or something." I'm turning red. And then you're constantly always like honing the craft, you're never perfect at it. There's definitely times where I'm really awkward on video and I'm like, "We need to redo that. I look like an idiot on that video." So I feel for you.
Brittany Castro: (09:35)
It is. And it's kind of fun, because I think people don't really understand how difficult it is just to talk to a camera and be engaging and interesting and the energy involved for a two minute video. It's a stamina. I recently got booked to do a video... I get booked for video content with other brands now and maybe it was an eight hour shoot day or something, and the stamina involved, I tell you. I'm like, man, it's just a different stamina to go in and do that kind of work day and be on camera for eight hours. Even though there's breaks and even though they're only like two minute videos, just having that, it's a work in progress.
Patrick Brewer: (10:15)
Yeah, yeah, for sure. It's definitely draining. I can only do three to four hour sessions at a time, otherwise I'll fall over dead, so eight hours sounds pretty tough. I have to work up to that.
Patrick Brewer: (10:27)
Hey everyone, thanks for tuning into the podcast. If you like this content and you want to get more, you can go to and listen to podcasts, blogs, videos, other resources that are designed to help you grow and scale a profitable advisory practice. You can find this all at We'll see you there.
Patrick Brewer: (10:48)
So, with the media company, you obviously had to build... You had to build like two companies, you had a team for financial planning and then you had a team for media. Were you outsourcing a lot of the media stuff? Were you building a team that was cross-functional, that could do work in the financial planning business, but also do work for your speaking engagements, the video and the media activities? How did you think about building a team, insourcing versus outsourcing, that type of stuff?
Brittany Castro: (11:14)
Really trial and error. It's still pretty lean, I have three other people on my team and it's been about that since the beginning. I have an assistant and I have a financial planner and I have a creative director. At one point I also had a social media director who I'm adding back onto the team in a few months just because we need to split out the role of marketing and social media marketing. But, yeah, honestly we just work really well together, we work hard and we do our job. And from day one I think I've always looked for people who are flexible enough to work under different roles. So, the fact that my financial planner helps with systems or specific things we need for our products is... She's multifaceted.
Brittany Castro: (12:11)
And then my marketing director now, she's so great, I mean she's been with me for over six years. She started just doing with one thing and then another and then we kept adding, I just kept delegating the things I was doing as she built up her own skillset. Now she does most of the content, I still approve it all, but she writes in my voice so well because she's knows. She's been doing this, she hears me all the time on these interviews or videos and she knows how I speak. It's kind of interesting actually, she'll send me emails or content for our products and I go, "Wow, Jess, this is great. You read my mind." But that I think is just trial and error. I've had a lot of people that I had to hire and let go along the way and we've also had a lot of interns along the way, just help with other random things, but there's only four of us.
Patrick Brewer: (13:07)
Okay, so pretty small team, but you guys are cross functional in your skill sets. With the growth of the speaking and the media stuff, how are you going to, I guess, monetize that? Is that primarily just by increasing your reach and your audience, similar to like a Dave Ramsey, Susie Orman? And then it's like we've got the next generation, Brittany Castro's there, she's got her products, she's got her book, she's got all the stuff that you need to become financially wise. What are your thoughts around kind of growing that out and then kind of monetizing that?
Brittany Castro: (13:41)
Yeah, definitely, it'll be just that. So, really we have a few different online products. We have a money class, we have a monthly membership, I'm releasing another just small product in the next month. And then I get booked, I get hired as an influencer now, to do either day shoots or like I worked with [Chase 00:14:03] for three years, now I'm working with Investopedia. So, I'll continue to do those types of brand deals. But in terms of like scalability, yeah, you're exactly right. I mean it's just getting more people into our products and that's how we'll do it.
Patrick Brewer: (14:24)
Got it. What's the distribution of the products, are you just primarily driving people to the website that has the ability for them to buy the product? Or are you kind of like running advertising and saying, here's a great product for you? Or do you have like affiliate deals?
Brittany Castro: (14:37)
[inaudible 00:14:37]. No. Everything so far over the last six years we've been organic, I've never paid for PR, I've never paid for ads. I know I want to and I need to, that's obviously part of the scale factor, but right now what we've found works really well for our products is partnering with other people, and they promote to their list. For example, we were just part of this deal, where it's actually another business owner runs these types of deals, she pulls all these courses together and markets them at a discounted rate. And then you get a payout because now it's a collaboration of 30 course creators all getting their products in the hands of people, their list. You know how that is, it's like these opportunities have always come along and quite frankly we just haven't had the capacity to take on ads and do all that. But it is part of the game plan moving forward.
Patrick Brewer: (15:39)
Alright. Are you building to sell or are you building to like, I know that's kind of a personal question, but like maybe building to cashflow? What's your goal with the company? What are you aspiring to build?
Brittany Castro: (15:56)
It's probably two-fold. I mean, right now I'm building to keep. It's very important to me, especially the Brittany Castro brand and the products that I'm doing, that I always have the ability to own what I'm doing because that is just such a part of the vision. Like creating a brand and... But you know, hey, things change all the time. So I'm also like a believer in stay open, you don't know how the journey is going to look. You have an idea, but there's so many different ways to get there. And if you would have asked me when I first started the company would I get brand deals, I didn't even know what that was and I basically had a brand deal for the last six years.
Brittany Castro: (16:43)
So, there's just so many things that you really don't know. And actually I've learned quite... Over the last few months, I told you that we've been growing a lot and I was trying to figure out the course of where I need to go and then I finally just realized, you know what? Just drop it. Like go wherever is going and then like be good with it because there is a point of you have a vision, you have a direction, but you also have to go with what's happening. So there has been many times, like even in the last six years, when I... In year one, all I did was financial planning. I got only financial planning clients. Then in year two I launched the online course and that was a big focus. Then in year three I did Chase brand deal, so then I was more focused on that.
Brittany Castro: (17:31)
I've always been building a new service, but I could have easily told you in year two I wanted to write the book. But I didn't write the book, because that wasn't happening right then. And I couldn't carve out time because something else was happening, so there's always like that too.
Patrick Brewer: (17:46)
Trade offs. Yeah. And a lot of advisers want to focus on building the business plan, like building the strategic plan, and like one, two, three, four, five years. But I think what you're saying, and I prescribed to this, I agree with this as well, it's you've got to throw that out the window almost daily as you get new information from the marketplace.
Brittany Castro: (18:06)
Totally. Yeah. Because even my creative director and I, we joke all the time, because we were like, "Great, here's our game plan for the next two months." And we would laugh. "Okay, next month we'll redo it." Because something will have changed within one month. So, we always have timelines, we always have projection, but then it's like we also know to flow with what's happening.
Patrick Brewer: (18:29)
What's your opinion for advisers that are wanting to work, let's say they don't want to build a media company. I found that most advisors, like 99.9 out of 100 are probably not interested in building a media company. But I feel like there's also a huge opportunity for building a media company because 90% of the population probably can't afford to pay or get really good financial advice, from someone like you or I or the others listening to this podcast, directly. So I mean, what is your, I guess, opinion or outlook for the financial planning, financial services, industry for those that want to work with clients one on one, are you favorable? Do you think it's going to be better, easier to acquire clients? Do you think it's going to be harder in the future? What type of advice would you have for today's financial advisor on that regard?
Brittany Castro: (19:20)
I think it's a little bit of both. I'm an optimistic person by nature and I always look at the opportunity in things, and I do believe the need for a personal financial planners never going to go away. We have roboadvisors, I understand, we have technology. But before this I sat down with a client and that human element is never going to be taken away. Actually, I think it will only be increased.
Brittany Castro: (19:47)
I mean we know this, we're all living in this Uber service-based world where things are just coming to us in a moment, but there's still this like, "Oh, but I need someone to consult with, who can help me." Especially with money, it's so personal. So I think there is a lot of opportunity for financial planners and I mean even just looking at the demographics, there's a lot of baby boomers that're retiring, their kids who want a different type of financial planner and [inaudible 00:20:15]. And if you're someone who's wanting to be a successful financial planner, I think you just roll with the times. Like make your company innovative, make your services tailored to what your ideal client wants and needs, and be willing to go against the norm. I mean, obviously there's a lot of money to be made in a traditional model as well, but if you're not vibing with that model, then find a firm that's different or create your own firm, if you're an entrepreneur minded person.
Brittany Castro: (20:49)
And the challenges are going to be... Who knows what the challenges will be five years from now, but I think if you want to be just successful in life in general, you have to just stay open and willing to change and course correct as many times as needed.
Patrick Brewer: (21:07)
What are your thoughts on amount of time required? Like how much would you say that you worked in the first couple of years of establishing your practice and your media company? And has that changed over the years, has it gotten that you're working more or you're working less? What type of workload would you say you've had since you started your entrepreneurial journey?
Brittany Castro: (21:25)
I've always had a workload, but I also made it a priority when I started this company not to get lost in 24/7 mentality. And that was my personal choice though, so maybe I could have done it in faster. The things I have now in six years, I probably could have done in three if I wanted to work 24/7, but I wasn't willing to do that. I wanted to also live and have balance in my life.
Brittany Castro: (21:53)
I think it's possible to create work however you want, but you have to be willing to try it out. And I don't think the responsibility or workload ever goes away. Now it's different, right? When you're a business owner, you really don't shut it off, but you learn how to have boundaries. So you can be clear and you're not just doing unnecessary things all day or creating more work. I don't know, it's interesting. My workload is almost the same, but I also have more freedom, if that makes sense. And I think the freedom is because I've learned to detach and I've learned to like, "No, I'm not going to deal with that right now because it will take me longer if I deal with it right now and I won't be as clear." So I've learned my own way of dealing with business.
Patrick Brewer: (22:47)
So, you're kind of managing your energy levels, you have these lists of tasks and projects and things you need to do, and you take stock and you're like, "Okay, my energy levels are here and I'm going to do this or I'm not going to do this." Is that kind of how you go about it? You kind of trying-
Brittany Castro: (22:59)
Well, as much as I can, and sometimes you can't. Being an adult, you got to do things that you don't want to do. Like yesterday, the last two days it's been crazy. But like, "Okay, this is what I signed up for too, this is part of it." You want the freedom? Then you got to be willing to get like knocked down. And I'm like, "Okay, I didn't expect that for a Monday morning, but here we go." You just never know what's going to come your way and you got to be like, "Okay. This is obviously what I'm going to do today."
Patrick Brewer: (23:33)
I know it all too well. It's fun.
Brittany Castro: (23:35)
Yeah, I mean, it is fun.
Patrick Brewer: (23:38)
So with you kind of growing your practice and the media company, do you have any desire to branch outside of financial services? Because it seems like with the public figure brand, I mean, it could be maybe repurposed for other industries or other products. Have you ever thought about that or are you kind of firmly rooted in financial services?
Brittany Castro: (23:58)
Oh, no, from day one I wanted to be more of a lifestyle brand. Finance for sure, a financial expert, but if you look at kind of our lineup of what we're going after, it's more like... For example, I want... I don't know, a deal with a fitness company or a food company, right? So, it's all related to money somehow but it's not just limiting to financial firms or contracts. So, we're thinking bigger picture.
Patrick Brewer: (24:34)
Cool. So building a media company, building what you build is hard, I mean, where do you get advice? Where do you get information, guidance? Do you have like a coach? Do you belong to a mastermind? Where are you getting information and knowledge so that you can continue to improve, right now?
Brittany Castro: (24:53)
Yeah, I don't have a formal coach. I don't do any formal masterminds. I actually haven't done any of that for six years. But I do have a spiritual community and a lot of guidance within that community. That's like really important to me, meditation, I go on retreats. And within my own network I make it a priority to surround myself with very open minded, successful, loving people who a lot of times what I need most is just support that I can do it. I do listen to podcasts, I do read books, so that's always a part of it. But often times I know what I need to do and I know how to do it, it's just like tapping into my own inner wisdom or guidance to get there. And luckily I have that within my spiritual community.
Brittany Castro: (25:49)
Like, even I was thinking today I'm making some big decisions, we're growing, and it's kind of like you're going after one thing and maybe it doesn't work out. And then I thought, "No, I know what I need to do." And I don't need to talk to more people, you know what I mean? I don't need to hear more opinions because sometimes that clouds your decision making. I'm not saying it's not needed because I've had a lot of mentors and a lot of help and I believe in all of that. But sometimes you know what you need to do and you just got to go do it too.
Patrick Brewer: (26:23)
Agreed. Yeah. You just need the space and sometimes a little bit of a push, but usually you got it already figured out. So, with the adviser that's listening to the podcast, and let's say they're trying to acquire more clients and get a little bit more momentum in the one to one side of their business, I mean, what did you have success with? Because obviously you built the financial planning firm first and that kind of funded your endeavors, at least to a degree, on the media side. What have you seen work, what have you seen not work? As far as kind of sales and marketing and growth and that type of stuff.
Brittany Castro: (26:58)
Well, the financial planning, I've really done well with content marketing, so we push out blogs, I put out content on social media, all of which drives back to our website, which then people sign up for the 30 minute intro call. And that has been a marketing machine of inbound leads for a while now. But of course it took consistency, we still do it, we still refine it.
Brittany Castro: (27:30)
Also basic referrals from other professionals and then the workshops or speaking gigs that I do, just to get in front of prospects. So I've done a traditional and also leveraged online marketing to grow the financial planning side. I think for any advisor listening, really just be clear about who you're trying to serve and who you want to be. Because sometimes I get a lot of, like every week, a lot of people email me and want to know... For advice and support. How did you... I said, "Well, this is what's worked for me. Figure out what's going to work for you. If you hate speaking, if you hate going to workshops, then don't do it. [inaudible 00:28:13] another way."
Brittany Castro: (28:15)
Or it's like also being a financial advisor is really fun because you can market however you want, you can get the clients that you want. You just have to put some time to be clear, who is it that I want to work with? Who do I want to serve? What value am I going to bring those individuals? And then just go do it and test... I cannot tell you how many times we've tested things and they failed, but it's all part of it too. So, sometimes I teach a workshop, even now, I've spoken in front of thousands of people and sometimes I go to workshop and there's only five people. But it's not a, to me, it's not about the number anymore. I used to be so focused on that stuff, and I realized, "Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm here just to serve." So whoever came, came. And give them value. You never know, one of those people could lead to something else. I've really learned that, you just never know.
Patrick Brewer: (29:07)
Yeah, it's more about the process than focusing on the outcome. Got to kind of detach from the outcome. What I'm hearing is be very clear on the front end with who you are, who you're meant to serve, and then figuring out and test different media, mediums, in order to take connect with those people.
Brittany Castro: (29:23)
Patrick Brewer: (29:25)
So, I've seen, like with your content, there's been a big push from technology and other marketing companies to offer third party curated content and that type of stuff. I mean, I'm a big believer in like original media, like you creating your own content. What's been your experience with original?
Brittany Castro: (29:47)
Yeah. I've never pushed out fake, or not fake content, but other content. I'll never. I mean, so I don't get it, but sometimes you have to do it. That's fine too. But I think now more than ever people want a connection, they want to be able to relate [inaudible 00:30:06] professionals, to the people they're hiring to do work with them. I mean, even a doctor. I mean, I get email newsletters from my eye doctor. It's just part of the way the world is now. I think maybe five years ago there was a lot more stigma around it, like sharing your personal information, personal stories. But now it's like if you don't do it, it's almost weird.
Patrick Brewer: (30:32)
Yeah, it's true. People just don't know who you are. You're kind of like... You're on the shelf, you're faceless, and there's like a thousand other products there and they're like, "I don't know which one this is. I'm going to choose the one with the label."
Brittany Castro: (30:43)
Patrick Brewer: (30:43)
Awesome, Brittany. So just to recap, I mean, we talked a little bit about the media company, you building the financial planning firm, your preferences for speaking and building original content. I mean, is there anything else, any other tips or advice that you would give for an advisor who's trying to grow, optimize or scale of practice in today's environment?
Brittany Castro: (31:03)
Stay in the game. Sometimes it just takes time. I just am a believer, if you want it, you'll get it. It won't maybe look how you thought it would look or when it will come, but you can be successful. And I wish I would have believed that earlier in my career, when everyone was telling me. But it is true. It's like if you just stay in the game and keep focused, keep committed, keep disciplined, you'll get it and it's going to be better than what you thought.
Patrick Brewer: (31:37)
Great advice. And Brittany and I were chatting before the episode, she mentioned that she has some mentorship sessions that she offers financial advisors. So, we'll be sure to drop a link to that below the podcast, so if you'd like to schedule some time with Brittany to learn a little bit more about her practice and get some one-on-one advice, you can do that at the link below the podcast.
Patrick Brewer: (31:57)
Brittany, thank you so much for coming on the show. I really appreciate your perspective, respect everything that you've built, looking forward to seeing you on a local or national television show, I'm sure, or TV commercial or whatever it is over, the next few years. And hopefully have you back on the podcast at some point in the future to celebrate some more of your wins.
Brittany Castro: (32:16)
Awesome. Thank you so much for having me.
Patrick Brewer: (32:18)
You got it. Take care.
Brittany Castro: (32:19)
I will. Bye.